Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the Michigan Parks on the Air Meetup?

    The Michigan Parks on the Air Meetup is a gathering of amateur radio enthusiasts who come together to share their experiences, operate portable radio stations, and enjoy the natural beauty of Sleepy Hollow State Park.

  2. Will there be a formal agenda for the Meetup?

    The Michigan Parks on the Air Meetup is intended to be a casual and flexible gathering for amateur radio operators. Our main goal is to provide a relaxed environment where participants can operate, meet, and interact freely while enjoying the amenities of Sleepy Hollow State Park and the surrounding area. The event is designed to be open-ended, allowing attendees to come and go as they please.

    Depending on the level of interest and the number of RSVPs we receive, we may add more structured agenda topics. Any updates or additions to the schedule will be communicated well in advance through our website and other communication channels. Keep an eye on our website for the latest information.

  3. When and where will the event take place?

    The event is scheduled for June 8, 2024, at Sleepy Hollow State Park. Specific locations within the park include the East Picnic Shelter, North Beach Shelter, and South Beach Shelter.

  4. Do I need to be an experienced amateur radio operator to attend?

    No, the event welcomes both seasoned operators and newcomers to the hobby. It's a great opportunity to learn from experienced enthusiasts.

  5. Is there a registration fee for the event?

    There is no registration fee to attend the Michigan Parks on the Air Meetup. However, Sleepy Hollow State Park may require a Recreation Passport or an entrance fee. For more details on entrance fees or the Recreation Passport, please call the park or visit their website.

  6. How can I make a reservation or RSVP to attend the event?

    Reservations or RSVPs are not required to attend the Michigan Parks on the Air Meetup. However, we encourage attendees to RSVP via our website, as it helps with organizing the event and ensuring a great experience for everyone.

  7. What should I bring to the event?

    Participants are encouraged to bring their amateur radio equipment, any necessary power supplies, comfortable outdoor clothing, and enthusiasm for amateur radio!

  8. Are there any accommodation facilities nearby?

    Sleepy Hollow State Park offers camping facilities. Additionally, there are several hotels and inns nearby. We recommend booking in advance.

  9. Will there be any food or refreshments available?

    No food or refreshments will be provided at the event. However, Sleepy Hollow State Park features a beach concession stand, and we recommend checking with the park for its operating hours and details. Additionally, the nearby town of Laingsburg, MI, offers various dining options, and Lansing, MI, is just a 25-minute drive away, providing further choices for meals and refreshments.

  10. Can I participate in the event virtually?

    There will be no virtual option for attending the event. The Michigan Parks on the Air Meetup is designed for in-person participation to fully enjoy the hands-on experiences and interactions that are central to the event.

  11. What rules and safety measures will be in place?

    The event will adhere to all Michigan state park rules and safety guidelines.

  12. Who can I contact for more information?

    For more information, please contact us at, and we will respond as soon as possible.

  13. What happens in case of bad weather?

    The event will take place rain or shine. We are hopeful for good weather, as this is an outdoor event. Please come prepared and dress appropriately for the weather conditions.

  14. Can I volunteer at the event?

    Yes, we welcome volunteers! Please contact us at to discuss volunteer opportunities.

  15. Is this event affiliated with the official Parks on the Air® organization?

    This website and the Michigan Parks on the Air Meetup are not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by Parks on the Air®. 'Parks on the Air' and its associated logo are registered trademarks of Parks on the Air®. The Michigan Parks on the Air Meetup is an independently organized event and is not considered an official Parks on the Air® activity or gathering.

    For more information about Parks on the Air® and their activities, please visit their official website at

  16. Why did we pick Sleepy Hollow State Park for the Parks on the Air Meetup?

    We chose Sleepy Hollow State Park for several key reasons:

    • Proximity to Freeways and Local Amenities: The park is conveniently located near major freeways, making it easily accessible. Additionally, the area is rich in local amenities, offering various options for dining, shopping, and other needs.

    • Attractions for Non-Amateur Radio Enthusiasts: Recognizing that some attendees might bring along family or friends not involved in amateur radio, the park's vicinity offers a range of activities. These include local sightseeing, hiking trails, and recreational facilities, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy.

    • Central Location in Michigan: The park's central location within Michigan makes it a practical and fair choice for participants traveling from different parts of the state, ensuring a balanced travel time for most attendees.

    • Modern Campground and Facilities: Sleepy Hollow State Park boasts modern camping facilities and well-maintained amenities, ensuring comfort and convenience for all attendees, whether they are staying overnight or just visiting for the day.

    • Not Impacted by Construction in June: Crucially, the park is not expected to be impacted by any major construction activities in June, which means our meetup can proceed without any disruptions or accessibility issues.

    This combination of factors makes Sleepy Hollow State Park an ideal location for our Parks on the Air Meetup, providing a comfortable, accessible, and enjoyable environment for all participants.

  17. How do I know the status of construction in other State parks?

    To stay informed about construction activities and other updates in Michigan State parks, you can visit two key websites published by the State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR):

    • DNR Closures and Alerts: For the latest information on park closures, trail detours, and other alerts, including those due to construction, visit Michigan DNR Closures and Alerts. This page provides up-to-date news on any disruptions or changes that could affect your visit to a state park.

    • Michigan DNR Interactive Map: An interactive map provided by the DNR gives a comprehensive view of parks, trails, and facilities, along with any construction updates. Access the map at Michigan DNR Interactive Map for a detailed and user-friendly way to check the status of various locations.

    These resources are regularly updated and provide valuable information to help you plan your visit and avoid any unexpected inconveniences due to construction or other park-related activities.

  18. Can I hang wire antennas in trees at Michigan State Parks?

    While we encourage the enjoyment and exploration of amateur radio at our meetup, we also prioritize being courteous and responsible guests at State Parks. We kindly ask all attendees of the Michigan Parks on the Air Meetup to refrain from hanging or affixing wires, masts, or other radio equipment to trees. This practice helps to ensure that we do not cause any harm or disturbance to the natural environment of the park.

    As participants in the Parks on the Air (POTA) program, it is essential to adhere to all rules and guidelines set forth by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR). These rules are in place to protect the beauty and integrity of our state parks. For detailed information about what is and isn't allowed, including any specific regulations regarding the setup of amateur radio equipment, please refer to the DNR rules available at Michigan DNR State Parks Rules.

    By following these guidelines, we can all enjoy a successful and environmentally respectful meetup, ensuring that Michigan's natural treasures are preserved for future visitors and amateur radio enthusiasts alike.